Saturday, July 28, 2007

'I think I'll leave it there.'

These were the closing words to one of the most inspirational sermons I've ever heard. Funny thing is that, apart from the preacher, and the topic, which was the death of Christ and its significance, I remember next to nothing of the detail. I only retain the sense of being bowled over by a speaker whose message seemed to lift his listeners up into the presence of God.

Ever since then I've wrestled with the content v. style debate. Both things are important, and the best preachers I've heard display excellence in both areas. But the 'I think I'll leave it there' line has always inclined me to emphasise content over style. Donald Macleod's closing line was hardly a classic conclusion to a well crafted speech/sermon. But his content, for me at least, had been so well delivered, and was just so substantial, that I didn't need a clever ending. In fact, I didn't want him to end.

Whatever you think about Tony Blair, the man had style throughout his Westminster political career. His last words to Parliament, 'And that is that, the end.', were perfectly judged and perfectly executed, even if the circumstances of his departure were benign. Most PMs lose that office in a general election before leaving the Commons. Otherwise, they are bundled out of office, like Thatcher. Blair had weeks to prepare for his final few days as an MP and a PM.

I've been wondering about my blog, and how to end it. When I started writing this post, I had in mind the possibility it would be the last post. So many blogs have such good quality content, matched with great style, that I can't compete. And I'm getting tired with sharing dull tawdry snippets of my life.

Online journals are great if you have exciting stuff happening round about you. Some of my thoughts and ideas about my work are now sensitive enough that they will have to remain unpublished. Perhaps a future role will allow me to start publishing blog thoughts again. For the moment, however, this is it, the end.


Anonymous said...

Oh dear, that's a shame. Sorry you're "doing a Tony".

Hope you come back to blogging soon - there must be plenty going on that you are able to talk about.

Looking forward to any resurrection of the blog!

Stephen said...

That's a shame. I sympathise with the need for restraint due to the sensitivity of one's situation. However, I enjoyed reading your thoughts about the CoS, an organisation which, for some unaccountable reason, continually holds a place in my concerns.

Every blessing to you in your ministry.

Anonymous said...

NO!!!! CG

Jenny said...

Huh. Really? Do you think you can stay away? Can you not look at anything going on in your life and make it worthy enough to post a little bit about?

Anonymous said...

Poetical executed Monsieur Sheddon - we look forward to your future roles....PG

Danny said...

"The beginning is the word and the end is silence. And in between are all the stories" (Kate Atkinson)

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you're leaving this world (blogging that is!).

I've enjoyed lurking, reading the thoughts of someone who has a purpose in life rather than drifting through like the rest of us - well, me anyway. I don't suppose I can speak for even the majority!

Cheers Shedders,
